Supermoon Calendar 2021

There are no more supermoons this year. The next super moon is in 2022

As the moon orbits the earth it does so in an elliptical manner, moving closer and further away. At its closest, or during perigee, it is in the region of 360,000 km (225,000 miles) away. If this point in the orbit coincides with a full moon phase it is often referred to as a "supermoon".

Technically speaking supermoon is not a scientific term but it is widely used to describe the phenomenon which occurs when the full moon is within 90% of perigee. The official name is perigee syzgy.

From earth a supermoon will appear slightly larger than usual - up to 17% larger than the smallest of full moons and considerably brighter.

When are the supermoon dates in 2021?

Supermoons 2021
Date Relative dist* Distance (Km) Distance (miles)
28th Mar 2021 0.958 362,174 km 226,359 mi
27th Apr 2021 0.995 357,616 km 223,510 mi
26th May 2021 0.997 357,461 km 223,413 mi
24th Jun 2021 0.965 361,561 km 225,976 mi

* The relative distance shows how close the Moon is to the closest point of its orbit - otherwise known as perigee. A value of 1 would mean it was the full moon exactly at perigee. Any value ofer 0.9 is considered a supermoon.