Moon Distances from Earth - 2027

According to Nasa the average distance between the Earth and the Moon is approximately 384,400 kilometers (238,855 miles), however this varies by around 50,000 km each month owing to the Moon's eleptical orbit.

This variation in distance matters for a number of reasons. When the moon is closest (preigee) it will appear both bigger and brighter. When this coincides with a full moon it is known as a "supremoon" and can appear up to 17% bigger and 30% brighter. The proximity of the moon also affects the size of the tides, with the tidal range being greatest when the moon is closest.

Closest to Earth (Perigee)

Moon distance table - Closest approach (Perigee)
Date Time Distance (Km) Distance (miles)
21st Jan 2027 21:55 357,288 km 223,305 mi
19th Feb 2027 07:38 361,030 km 225,644 mi
19th Mar 2027 04:36 366,461 km 229,038 mi
14th Apr 2027 00:36 370,041 km 231,276 mi
9th May 2027 20:01 366,657 km 229,161 mi
6th Jun 2027 14:47 361,717 km 226,073 mi
4th Jul 2027 20:49 358,289 km 223,931 mi
2nd Aug 2027 06:18 357,359 km 223,349 mi
30th Aug 2027 15:35 359,196 km 224,498 mi
27th Sep 2027 20:03 363,434 km 227,146 mi
25th Oct 2027 05:26 368,620 km 230,388 mi
19th Nov 2027 00:19 369,327 km 230,829 mi
16th Dec 2027 02:34 364,007 km 227,504 mi

Furthest from Earth (Apogee)

Moon distance table - Furthest away (Apogee)
Date Time Distance (Km) Distance (miles)
7th Jan 2027 08:25 406,603 km 254,127 mi
3rd Feb 2027 13:42 406,167 km 253,854 mi
3rd Mar 2027 05:46 405,183 km 253,239 mi
31st Mar 2027 01:35 404,288 km 252,680 mi
27th Apr 2027 21:20 404,129 km 252,581 mi
25th May 2027 15:09 404,766 km 252,979 mi
22nd Jun 2027 04:57 405,675 km 253,547 mi
19th Jul 2027 11:37 406,209 km 253,881 mi
15th Aug 2027 14:09 406,098 km 253,811 mi
11th Sep 2027 23:29 405,411 km 253,382 mi
9th Oct 2027 15:43 404,567 km 252,854 mi
6th Nov 2027 11:37 404,222 km 252,639 mi
4th Dec 2027 08:44 404,698 km 252,936 mi